We host Bedework Enterprise Calendar instances in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).
Hosting can provide:
- Public events calendaring
- Personal calendaring
- CalDAV and CardDAV servers
- Any combination of the above
Why Hosted Bedework?
While we don't want to oversell the advantages of hosted Bedework over in-house Bedework, we've collected a list of reasons given by those who prefer it:
You are up quickly.
- You don't have to figure out what hardware to tie up (and perhaps acquire).
- You don't have to learn how to install and configure Bedework.
- You don't have to worry about the database.
- Your initial out-of-pocket costs are often less.
- Your have access to Bedework expertise that is hard to replicate in-house.
- You don't have to dedicate support staff to Bedework. Depending on how you calculate costs, this can also reduce costs.
- You don't have to worry about maintenance or backups.
- Because bug fixes are applied proactively, your service will run more smoothly.
- You have access to new features shortly after they become available.
If you'd like to consider going in-house and want help with that effort, please contact our affiliate Girasole Solutions, a Bedework consulting company.